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gupta guptaThis will again cause the earth to shift its centre.地球的重心会发生偏移的Bala SrinivasanThese projects have more military logistics too&it is surprising that INDIA&VIETNAM the two Riparian states are quiet about it.这些项目更多地服务于军事补给令人吃惊的是印度和越南居然对此保持沉默

Jasvin KaurNo matter how sweeeet China is never melt. China is trying to wipe out India by releasing the water By right India should firmly protest in the United Nations中国打算通过开闸放水,把印度淹掉印度应去联合国抗议

ubramani PandrankiDoes biggest dam means biggest problem to others countries?最大的大坝,对其他国家是否意味着最大的问题?