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tadie mraTibet is part of China …what about northeast 100000 widows,every day 3 youths dying…yesterday illegally killed Arunachalis girl in Maharashtra….xz是中国的一部分东北邦的10万名寡妇怎么办,每天有3名年轻人死去昨天“阿邦”一女孩在马哈拉施特拉邦被杀

Md Ishrat ZamanWE SHOULD PROTEST.我们应抗议

Ram AnandIt is not amazing that Chines are building a mega dam in a illegal occupied Tibetan land without any challenge inside or outside the country. More strange is that they are

cynically quick in accomplishing such projects.中国人在“非法占领”的xz建设大坝并不足为奇。更奇怪的是,他们完成项目的速度好快