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criticalobserverThe reasons behind China’s economic success are many but by far the important one is the building of infrastructure like there is no tomorrow. Recently, Bill Gates pointed out that China’s usage of cement in the last three years was more than what the US used in the 20th Century. After the completion of the Qinghai-Tibet railway in 2006, China is now able to transport raw materials to Tibet rending the construction of much need infrastructure much easier. This new dam will help to improve the standard of living of Tibetans.中国经济成功的原因有很多方面,而最重要的一点是,基础设施建设非常迅猛。最近,比尔盖茨指出,中国过去3年使用的水泥量,超过美国20世纪使用的水泥量。青藏铁路于2006年完工后,中国就能把原材料送到xz去了,基础设施修建起来容易多了新的大坝能改善藏人的生活水准