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American chip design companies only need to triple their wages, but American companies are very stingy.


6、Herp and Derp

I would expect their offers are near or around what I saw for some friends in software. They pay approximately double US standard to bring you in. If you can deal with living in China, it is a pretty good deal.


Moreover, the compilers in China's chip design companies are generally in English, so where Americans go to work, at most, is not convenient for daily communication! Work is easy.



China, which we reported last night has ordered all government offices and public companies to replace foreign PCs and software with domestic made alternatives within three years, wants to dominate the world through its military power and AI, along with advanced weaponry like hypersonic missiles, fifth-generation fighters, and laser weapons


My Heavens! This sounds like the USA. Just replace the word “China” with “U.S.A” in the paragraph above.In summary, China“‘''s desire to ascend as the world''''s global superpower is evident through its actions today. It''''s the reason why Washington has launched a trade war, now turned tech war, that has also morphed into an AI arms race


But. Doesn't Tyler remember Bush Jr.''''s Project for a New American Century, which became official U.S. policy, seeking ”Full Spectrum Dominance“ over the entire world? Doesn''''t Tyler remember General Wesley Clark, telling the American people that the Afghan and Iraq wars had been planned in advance, and the plan was to invade ”7 countries in 5 years“? Doesn''''t Tyler remember Obama''''s infamous ”Pivot to Asia“, designed to weaken and challenge China?

