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中国神舟十一号发射成功 印度网友评论意外



I will keep my fingers crossed with this Chinese make.0 0 Reply Flag为这个中国造,我十指交叉为其祈祷

gaja vasishtThe most selfish and crooked rogue nation achieving technology for its self destruction one day or the other. We request Chinese to take entire China and it’s best friend Pakistan to space once for all so that this world can live in Peace.0 0 Reply Flag最自私的国家,技术是进步了,总有一天会自我毁灭的。



Jagdish ChandraChina is second economy of the world, so strive hard to access to other sphere too, including space, it has been successfully complete two voyages including this one, have join the club of nations who already accomplished this feat US and Russia. here is some significant to note that where both super powers carried out space mission for exploring new space possibility, autocrat China may used space mission for military purpose that is not only spell trouble to neighbour nations but great threat to world peace.中国是世界第二大经济体,在努力探索其他领域,包括太空