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美国海军上将曾称“可以帮中国造航母” 是怎么回事

It is not an area where we would want any tension to arise unnecessarily。 And we would, if they choose to develop [an aircraft carrier program] help them to the degree that they seek and the degree that we’re capable, in developing their programs。 37


In response, PACOM spokesman Captain Jeff Alderson said Admiral Keating is aware of the congressional restrictions, adding “the offer of help was more philosophical, like how hard it is and the ramifications that a carrier would have on neighboring countries in the region。” Regardless, the incident highlights the very narrow tightrope all of Keating’s predecessors have been forced to walk between deterrence and engagement。

然而,keating上将的上述言论通过美国媒体曝光后,立即在美国反华群体中引发一场风暴,他们指责他意图违反2000年国防授权法案中对华出口先进武器和技术的限制。眼看要捅篓子,作为回应,上将的下属——太平洋战区司令部发言人Jeff Alderson上校赶紧跑出来打圆场:keating上将肯定意识到了国会的军事技术出口限制,且“为航母工程提供帮助”这件事情更像是个哲学性的讨论,就像造航母有多难,以及航母会对中国的邻国有什么样的影响。这事就没有后来了。






不知此时keating上将和当时指责他的那些人作何感想?(作者署名: 默虹美海军学习小站)