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中国给巴基斯坦送大礼 印网友:果然,巴中亲如兄弟

HAR HAR MAHADEVBY that time India will be having 50 submarines, 3k aircraft, 25k MIsslies Tanks 1cr Brahmos and 1cr active military personnel. Untill Modi is there No islamist terrorist in India and in Porkistan can survive.到时候,印度已经有50艘潜艇,3艘航母,25000辆坦克,1000万枚布拉莫斯导弹,1000万名现役军人

Preethi RamanIm wondering if Pakistan will be in one piece or even existing by then!!不知道到时候巴基斯坦还在不在哦

shovan dasAnd let them eat grass to pay for it or let China take over their country ! What a bunch of losers.要买的话,让他们吃草去吧,或者让中国接管他们的国家,一群失败者