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“完全空白, 没有记录下任何信号。这是我们联系美国军队的原因,希望查明他们的卫星是否捕捉到任何信号。”

iba Prasad

Our govt is more dependent on US from every angle. This is bad to country image and have no strength. They should ask for scam review from US investigating agencies. But our govt speaks big and results are zero.从各角度来说,我们的政府更依赖美国这对我们国家的形象是不利的,让美国调查机构帮忙也行,我们政府干嘛要大声疾呼km_bridgeThere”s no shame,harm or offense asking for help. Countries always help one another in these situations. Being an American I would definitely like my government to help you as much as we can. Stop making a big deal out of it.找其他国家帮忙有什么好丢脸的各国之间帮来帮去很正常作为美国人,我肯定愿意看到政府尽量帮助你们别大惊小怪的