Muri16 小時 前
Such a pleasure to see China is waking up to the reality of western satanism and acting according to the wisdom, for which China was famous for in the past. Long live solid partnership in politics, defense and economy between Iran and China.很高兴中国终于看清了西方恶魔的真面目,并以智慧行事,而中国历史上原本就是个智慧的国家。希望中伊两国在政治国防和经济上的合作长长久久。
Orang Kiyani> Muri9 小時 前And friendship.友谊万年长。
Ferry16 小時 前
Nice, good for both. This deal can makes the region much safer against the warmongers.很好。该协议可以让地区变得更加和平,以防战争贩子的叫嚣。
Chaka Bad'i> Ferry16 小時 前Right On
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